Comment 27 for bug 32446

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ntrcessor (ntrcessor) wrote :

I had the same issue for awhile, (2.6.15-2[67]-386 then I noticed that my boot partition was full! I removed some of the older items...the apt-get upgrade didn't report any errors the first few times. But the last time I ran it it did. I am still waiting for the upgrade to finish so don't know if it boots yet.

(I also had -23 and -25 on there. I cut back to just -23 since that was the only bootable image.) apt-get upgrade just installed -26 again. If 26 works at reboot, then i will remove -23 and see if I can upgrade to -27.

Strange as upgrades used to ask if I wanted to keep the old kernel, in a boot up script if we succeeded in booting completely. Maybe that was a script I had written,that somehow got replaced w/ another w/ same name.