Comment 107 for bug 1208204

Revision history for this message
pqwoerituytrueiwoq (pqwoerituytrueiwoq) wrote : Re: indicator-sound no longer functions with xfce4-indicator-plugin

in that case lets make this long line another 25% longer
Exec=/bin/sh -c 'if [ -n "$(ps -U $USER | grep xfce4-panel)" ]; then /usr/lib/indicator-sound-gtk2/indicator-sound-service;else /usr/lib/$(if [ $(arch) == "i686" ];then echo i386;else arch;fi)-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service;fi'

@eqwalker updated for 32bit compatibility
sudo wget -O /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service
verify with this
md5sum /usr/share/dbus-1/services/indicator-sound.service
3555d649a4fbd10fbb13c8a17a7977dd /tmp/tmpfile

I tested this on both a 64bit and 32bit live disk of 13.10

i have tried all of these and none return i386 or x86_64, so if anyone knows a command that does i would like to know, i wanted to keep that Exec line simple but it is getting ridiculous
$(arch), $(uname -m) and $(dpkg --print-architecture)