Comment 1 for bug 1159011

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kevin gunn (kgunn72) wrote : Re: on Nexus 7 Indicators do not work until an application has been activated from the launcher

Actually this seems to be a legitimate behavior potentially.
Going to assign to design in order to get some clarification.

Based on irc chat on #ubuntu-unity
<tvoss> Saviq, ping
<Saviq> tvoss, pong
<tvoss> Saviq, are we aware of
<tvoss> ?
<ubot5> Launchpad bug 1159011 in touch-preview-images "on Nexus 7 Indicators do not work until an application has been activated from the launcher" [Undecided,New]
<Saviq> tvoss, no
<Saviq> tvoss, I don't have a 7, though :/
<tvoss> Saviq, is that bug logged against the right project?
* hggdh has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<kgunn> tvoss: let me chase
* hggdh (~hggdh@ubuntu/member/hggdh) has joined #ubuntu-unity
<kgunn> tvoss: i have a 7, just tested against the description - i kind of think its right
<kgunn> tvoss: meaning current behavior
<kgunn> tvoss: if you're on the greeter (aka lock screen)
<kgunn> tvoss: you shouldn't be able to fiddle with indicators
<kgunn> tvoss: a question for design to settle i suppose
<tvoss> kgunn, can you assign it to someone to take care of it?
<kgunn> tvoss: yep...going to point it to a design folk