Comment 26 for bug 1879206

Revision history for this message
Till Kamppeter (till-kamppeter) wrote :

Stefano, thanks for the Mate forum link, I have tried to make up the sum of the tips to help users get HPLIP working again.

So anyone here, please try to clean up any HPLIP mess on your system using the following steps:

1. Remove HPLIP deb-packages

sudo dpkg -P --force-depends hplip hplip-data hplip-doc hplip-gui \
libsane-hpaio printer-driver-hpcups printer-driver-hpijs printer-driver-postscript-hp \
hpijs-ppds libhpmud0

2. Remove upstream-installed HPLIP using HPLIP binary uninstaller

sh --noexec
cd hplip-3.20.3
sudo python3 ./
sudo rm -rf /usr/share/hplip/

3. Reinstall deb-packages with:

sudo apt install -f hplip-gui printer-driver-hpcups printer-driver-postscript-hp libsane-hpaio

Then try to create a print queue with hp-setup and, if needed load the proprietary plugin with hp-plugin. Also printer setup with GNOME Control Center or system-config-printer should work again.

DO NOT install printer-driver-hpijs and hpijs-ppds. These packages are deprecated and not maintained any more, and they also have no benefit compared to printer-driver-hpcups.