Comment 2 for bug 3805

Revision history for this message
Scott Beamer (angrykeyboarder) wrote :


I'd be glad ot attempt a backtrace however, my Linux box will be out of commission for 10-14 days while I await shipment of a replacment video card. I will follow up here ASAP.

As far as changing severity settings goes, since it's my bug I figured I was entitled. :-)

Besides, it was my first bug report on Launchpad and I wasn't yet familliar with it. :-)

I should have correctly set the severity when I initially filed the report.

This bug renders GNOME immediately **USELESS** at startup. To me, that ranks a rather high priority don't you think?

A week or two after filing the report I figured out a workaround. I deleted my .gtk* files while in KDE, logged out of KDE and logged into GNOME. That does the trick but it has to be done prior to each time one logs out of KDE as the files are (of course) re-created.

FYI: It was (and still is due to lack of documentation) difficult to determine if I should file a bug report on bugzilla or Launchpad. Therefore, I initially filed this report on bugzilla. When a significant amount of time passed with no developer response, I learned of Launchpad and figured I should perhaps file the report here.

Therefore, to avoid potential duplicate work on the part of the developers, please reference:

Thank you.