Comment 37 for bug 558674

Revision history for this message
Marc Deslauriers (mdeslaur) wrote :

Debian's gtk+2.0 (2.20.1-2) contains the following patches:

   + 030_gtkscake_redraw.patch: correctly redraw GtkScales.
     + 031_papersize_usletter.patch: update list of countries using US
       Letter paper format.
     + 032_offscreenwindow_dnd.patch: fix crasher with offscreen windows.
     + 033_filechooser_sort.patch: fix a bug that leaves a file chooser
       dialog unusable after a file has been touched in the open folder.
     + 034_grab_broken.patch: generate correct event for WM_KILLFOCUS.
     + 035_filechooser_crash.patch: fix a crasher when the file list is

Maybe one of those fixes the issue.