Comment 2 for bug 1723599

Revision history for this message
Doug McMahon (mc3man) wrote :

The ugly plugin package shows proper info. Is it possible in the past sessioninstaller fell back to package info where packagekit isn't doing that? If that's the case then why wouldn't this be packagekit's issue?

apt-cache show gstreamer1.0-plugins-ugly
Gstreamer-Decoders: application/vnd.rn-realmedia; application/x-pn-realaudio; application/x-rdt, media=(string)application, encoding-name=(string)X-REAL-RDT; application/x-rtp, media=(string){ application, video, audio }, payload=(int)[ 96, 127 ], encoding-name=(string)X-ASF-PF; audio/AMR; audio/AMR-WB; audio/ac3; audio/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)1, layer=(int)[ 1, 3 ], parsed=(boolean)true; audio/x-ac3; audio/x-lpcm; audio/x-private1-ac3; audio/x-private1-lpcm; audio/x-private2-lpcm; audio/x-sid; video/mpeg, mpegversion=(int)[ 1, 2 ], systemstream=(boolean)false; video/x-ms-asf
Gstreamer-Elements: a52dec, amrnbdec, amrnbenc, amrwbdec, asfdemux, cdiocddasrc, dvdlpcmdec, dvdreadsrc, dvdsubdec, dvdsubparse, lamemp3enc, mpeg2dec, mpg123audiodec, pnmsrc, rademux, rdtdepay, rdtmanager, rmdemux, rtpasfdepay, rtspreal, rtspwms, siddec, twolamemp2enc, x264enc, xingmux