Comment 59 for bug 973014

Revision history for this message
Marc Deslauriers (mdeslaur) wrote :

Although Ubuntu-Sponsors is subscribed to this bug, there doesn't seem to be any actionable items here.

Since this package is in universe, it is community-supported.

For this fix to get into Precise, someone has to:

1- Create a merge request or a debdiff to get the appropriate fix into Quantal. Since Quantal is past feature freeze, and the same version of gst-plugins-bad0.10 is in Quantal, the bug most likely will exist there also.
2- Create a merge request or a debdiff to get the same fix SRUed into Precise. Once the fix has been accepted into Quantal, it can be included in Precise.

I am unsubscribing ubuntu-sponsors for now. Please resubscribe the ubuntu-sponsors group once a debdiff has been attached to this bug and it will be handled promptly.
