Comment 0 for bug 2052438

Revision history for this message
ChloƩ Smith (kajiya) wrote :


`google-compute-engine-oslogin` is a package provided by Google for installation within guests that run on Google Compute Engine (GCE). It is part of a collection of tools and daemons that ensure that Ubuntu images published to GCE run properly on the platform.

In Google's packed upstream debian distro `d/control` files for both `google-compute-engine-oslogin` and `google-guest-agent` there is a dependency on the other. This was not reflected in the ubuntu archive. LP: #2050956 fixed `google-guest-agent`'s dependency on `google-compute-engine-oslogin`, so now it's time to do the reverse. The regression caused in `google-guest-agent` was critical enough to warrant this stand-alone update into `google-compute-engine-oslogin`, and not just wait for it to be packages into a normal update.

[Test Case]

When the new version of this package is uploaded to -proposed, the following will happen:

 * an image based on -proposed will be built for GCE and published
 * the GCE team will be asked to validate that the new package addresses the issues it is expected to address, and that the image passes their internal image validation.
 * Each test image will be launched, and we will validate:
 ** the package version(s)
 ** that the correct ssh keys have been imported
 ** that the google specific services are running successfully

If all the testing indicates that the image containing the new package is acceptable, verification will be considered to be done.

[Additional Information]

This bug is used to track the release of this new version for all the supported suites, as per the policy mentioned here [0].
