Comment 5 for bug 161067

Revision history for this message
Bryan Donlan (bdonlan) wrote :

Please attach the source package files (.dsc and .diff.gz) not the binary result. Providing the .diff.gz is required to comply with the GPL, if you have patched the source code. You may also find it convenient to use launchpad's PPA feature:

Also, note that debian has a golly package:
It will be automatically synced into ubuntu once the new version (Intrepid) is opened, which will happen in a few days, so it's probably not a good idea to start work on a new package now... (though it's a bit late to be saying this)
The debian package has a number of patches applied to fix 64-bit issues, and provides manpages, among other things. I don't know if you've applied similar ones to your copy, as you didn't provide the source

For future reference when making packages, your package also turns up a large number of lintian warnings - run lintian on your .changes file to see them. Of course, some of them (new-package-should-close-itp-bug, unknown-section universe) can be ignored as debian specific, but ones like "executable-not-elf-or-script ./usr/share/golly/Patterns/Still-Lifes/1998-eater-stamp-collection.rle" ought to be fixed.
That said, again, in this case it's probably best to just wait for the universe sync - there's no need to diverge from debian needlessly.