Comment 4 for bug 1006242

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Albert Graef (dr-graef) wrote : Re: [Bug 1006242] Re: Please add gnumeric-dev package

On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Jackson Doak <email address hidden> wrote:
> We can't use .la files, it's against all the policies we have.

Ok, I actually don't need the .la files, so just leave them out. But I
do need the header and pkg-config files
(/usr/include/libspreadsheet-*/spreadsheet and
/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libspreadsheet-*.pc), and these aren't in any
package right now. The rules file in the most recent Debian package at differs from the
older one my bug report referred to, though. But the latest packages
obviously don't provide the include and pc files either.

If it helps, I can look at the latest source package and see what
changes would be needed there. But I'd first like to get some feedback
on whether the package maintainers would consider this at all.

If excluding those development files from the Debian packages is a
conscious decision, then so be it. But you must be aware that this
makes it really hard if not impossible for 3rd party plugin developers
to maintain Debian packages for their plugins, and this can't be in
the interest of the Gnumeric project.


Dr. Albert Gr"af
Dept. of Music-Informatics, University of Mainz, Germany
Email: <email address hidden>