Comment 2 for bug 1768178

Revision history for this message
Egmont Koblinger (egmont-gmail) wrote :

> Here is built-in palette collected with gsettings get:
> ['#2E3436',
> '#CC0000',
> [...]

Could you please elaborate, what are the exact steps you took that gave this result? What steps did you perform in gnome-terminal's Preferences dialog, what additional scripts did you run (if any, e.g. Anthony25's one that you linked), and what gsettings command exactly gave this answer?

Please note that Anthony25's script pre-dates gnome-terminal shipping Solarized out of the box, and is unnecessary since then.

> Here is correct palette:
> ['#070736364242',
> '#DCDC32322F2F',
> [...]

Indeed this is the correct one, and this is the one present in gnome-terminal's source, which your linked patch changes to a different one. [Note that #121234345656 is equivalent to #123456, and represented in gnome-terminal's source as COLOR (0x12, 0x34, 0x56).]

(gnome-terminal has been shipping Solarized for 4 years now, I find it pretty unlikely that after 4 years you're the first to spot that it's broken. I would bet that it's something you messed up on your side.)

Please uncheck the "Show bold text in bright colors" checkbox at the bottom of the Color settings page, and demonstrate with screenshots if you still don't get the expected result, thanks!