Comment 0 for bug 165039

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Dominique Pellé (dominique-pelle) wrote :

1/ In the GNOME terminal settings, it is not possible to select a non anti-aliased font by default.

I personally find this very annoying. Anti-aliased fonts are great for plenty of things,
but for a terminal, I very much prefer a crisp, small, non anti aliased font.

OK, after tweaking a but, it is possible to set up an anti aliased font, but it's definitely
not easy for newbies. I managed to use the MiscFixed font by looking information
posted here:

I can't remember now exactly how I did it (it was a while ago) but I think I needed
to reconfigure a font rendering package to allow non anti aliased font.

With the non antialiaded MiscFixed font, the GNOME terminal is also faster, and allows
to chose a very small fonts (so I can put more terminals on the screen).

This is not a bug, but something on the wishlist. I think it's fairly important though
because the GNOME terminal is one of the most important application of Ubuntu.

2/ As an additional remark, when selecting a font in the GNOME terminal, most of
the available fonts are non fixed size. I think it does not make much sense to used
a non fixed font size in a terminal. It's also hard to spot the fixed font size among
all the variable size fonts. Perhaps fixed font size should be somehow highlighted,
or variable size fonts should perhaps even be filtered out by default (with a checkbox
to allow them)