Comment 7 for bug 814060

Revision history for this message
Eliah Kagan (degeneracypressure) wrote :

To clarify my motivation in

The original bug report here sought to report both the users-admin and shares-admin crashes, but it characterized the executables as "two scripts", whereas in fact they are separate ELF binaries with nonidentical contents. If this bug is to be taken to apply to both users-admin and shares-admin, then of course the original confirmation was correct and bug 819821 (and perhaps bug 789333, pertaining to the GNOME3 PPA in Natty) can be marked as a duplicate of this bug.

Furthermore, time-admin and network-admin are provided by separate binary packages but the same source package; perhaps the corresponding crashes in those utilities (bug 819879 and bug 819889) should be marked duplicates of this bug as well.