Comment 1 for bug 297848

Revision history for this message
Onno Benschop (onno-itmaze) wrote :

After removing the tick box from the Nautilus sharing option and sharing the folder through the shares-admin tool, the folder is once again shared.

Nautilus does not show that the folder is shared.

Sharing the folder in Nautilus, while it is shared using shares-admin, results in a shared folder.

Stopping the folder from being shared in Nautilus, while the folder is still shared in shares-admin results in the folder vanishing from the network. /etc/samba/smb.conf and shares-admin both show the folder as shared, but it's not visible. Reloading samba does not fix this problem.

Resharing the folder in shares-admin results in the folder being available.

The workgroup remains the same (WORKGROUP), even if it's changed in shares-admin.