Comment 36 for bug 1738838

Revision history for this message
In , Florian-muellner (florian-muellner) wrote :

Review of attachment 361761:

> otherwise we risk showing inconsistent states in each place if.

I'd be interested in how that sentence continues :-p

Joking aside, I don't think this is correct. As far as I can see, "nConnectedDevices == -1" means there is no Bluetooth adapter that is powered on - we can toggle the AirplaneMode property as much as we want (that's what "Turn On/Off" does after all), that's not going to change. So a better option may be to do = nConnectedDevices > -1;

instead ...

::: js/ui/status/bluetooth.js
@@ +134,3 @@

+ // Bluetooth will be considered 'Off' if either the adapter
+ // is not available or it's set in irplane mode.
