Comment 64 for bug 1045914

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Karen Zagorski (karenzag) wrote :

> OK, hope that my comments on GNOME didn't offend you.
Of course, no ))))

>Are you aware of the fact that vanilla GNOME 3.6 enforce global keyboard layout?
>Do you care about it?

OMG.. I just noticed... That is totally crazy... Why?O_O

>But Apps are removing features.
Yep. That is bad.
>Do you like vanilla Nautilus 3.6?
Did't use it for long, just for 1 day... What's lost?
>Probably also the Totem issue you feel strong about.
Yep, fortunately smplayer has that function too.

I like the concept of gnome shell, the new design, the idea. But not the way some crazy people destroy it. I mean if they just let the gnome shell be what it is now with just fixing bugs, not removing functions and making crazy changes-it is good

>Hold "Super" key to show shortcut cheat sheet overlay.
That it discomfort. I prefer doing it just with mouse, because I, and loooots of people like me, have bad eyes and my laptop is usually a bit far from me, because eyeglasses make me tired. So i must reach laptop each time i switch screens or do it long way. Usually desktop environment gives priority of comfort to mouse, and keyboard shortcuts are just helping. Thats why it's not improved terminal, its desktop.

>You set it to auto-hide mode?
Yep. I know, there is a way to change sensitivity of how "far" I must push the mouse. But i.most ppl don't. Not for human beings ii.I tackled sensitivity whole day. No real profit. There is just something buggy in the mechanism, like it reacts with random sensitivity...

>Have you used Unity Lens?
Well... Improved search. A stuff people use not often. Well, I don't. I know where are my files :)
Amazon is not such a problem for me. It can be disabled, plus... Well we have webcameras in the streets, satellites, analisers that monitor our calls and report if you say something like "terrorism kill bomb". amazon doesn't bother me :))) testfile:)