Comment 63 for bug 1045914

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Ma Hsiao-chun (mahsiaochun) wrote : Re: [Bug 1045914] Re: Keyboard layout doesn't show in GNOME Shell session

On Sun, Dec 9, 2012 at 11:58 PM, Karen Zagorski
<email address hidden> wrote:
> I mostly like gnome shell. The error problem started after 12.04 and are ubuntu problems, not gnome problems.

OK, hope that my comments on GNOME didn't offend you.

> Gnome shell has normal keyboard on fedora, so any distmaker must a bit polish components of his system, that is just normal.

Are you aware of the fact that vanilla GNOME 3.6 enforce global keyboard layout?
Do you care about it?

> I honestly don't see any serious bugs in gnome shell now and I actually like it's concept. I mean the style of minimalism + panel and windows on corner touch is pretty good and comfortable for me...

But Apps are removing features.
Do you like vanilla Nautilus 3.6?
( Note that Ubuntu 12.10 ships Nautilus 3.4 )
Probably also the Totem issue you feel strong about.

> Unity in comparison is not. Even without bugs its idea of side panel is
> so tasteless, so ugly, so old.

I've seen people place OS X dock and Windows task bar to the left side.
I feel that the position is reasonable for wide screen monitor.

> And absolutely no comfort. If i open two
> windows of firefox in gnome shell I have no problem switching between
> them. In unity I need mumbo jumbo, coz it has no comfortable mechanism
> to switch just in one move.

Hold "Super" key to show shortcut cheat sheet overlay.

> Plus its side panel appearance mechanism
> makes someone wish to hit his PC with something heavy. It has
> uncomfortable sensitivity settings. It appears when not needed, and it
> doesn't appear when needed. It appears when mouse touches it
> accidentally, but gets stupid, when I actually want it!

You set it to auto-hide mode?

> So... Really I
> don't get what are ppl in canonical doing? Are they from other planets?
> They don't test stuff they make? They personally use mac and windows,
> not their system? Because any human being without brain-processor
> telepathic interface could understand, that there is Zero level of
> comfort in Unity. Unity is terrible even after windows vista, which is
> terrible in comparison with ANYthing linux. Even KDE 4.0 was better!

Have you used Unity Lens?
Though the Amazon Lens is quite controversial.
I feel that the idea of various searching is decent, because we don't
have GNOME 2 or Windows 95 style menu any more.

> R/T zoom allows to change video size gradually. Not like 50%-100%-200% like in most players, but 100%-110%-120%. It exists no more. Like it was a terrible evil and needed to be removed... It feels like Microsoft pays this guys to destroy a good OS...

Interesting, thanks for your information.

> Last versions of ubuntu had automatic intallation of packages for media.
> Now I installed addons manually, but hey! If i didn't use ubuntu for 3
> years, I would not know that, so for a new user it is a new problem.

So I asked for WMA test file also.

> I am a bit careful with anything mandriva yet... Plus, as i said, I like
> gnome shell :D

Mageia supports GNOME Shell.