Comment 6 for bug 918421

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adnan2a (chaudry-adnan-akbar) wrote :


I am new to this , so dont know if it would help.

I was facing the same issue but on ubuntu 12.04 precise [Kernel 3.2.04] and gnome-settings-daemon version 3.2.2 . My system is toshiba sattellite L305-D .

After looking into the issue i found out the the whenever i leave the system Idle for around a minute there was a crash only when i login with out pluging in the power cable.

I did the following to fix the segmentation fault.

File: plugins/power/gsd-power-manager.c
Adding the following at line 2264 backlight_helper_get_value
// after getting the long value should be checked for lesser than 0 value also
// Line: 2319
  if (value > G_MAXINT || value < 0 ) {

// this will fix the seg fault

For some reason I always get -5 value in /sys/class/backlight/toshiba/brightness irrespective of logging on with power cable plugged or without it.

I will look into it later.

Hope it helps.