Comment 0 for bug 223954

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Anonymous (unquoteveracity-deactivatedaccount) wrote : Brightness control still has major bugs

gnome-power-manager and the brightness applet had some very annoying bugs in Gutsy (see

For a while after upgrading to Hardy, it seemed as through the aforementioned bug had been resolved. I was able to adjust the screen brightness with [Fn + Up] and [Fn + Down] without issue. But now that I have been using Hardy for a few days, it seems that some of the bugs remain. Whenever I close/reopen my laptop lid, the brightness level changes. I have specified (through brightness applet) that the brightness should be at about 80%. But if after closing/reopening the laptop lid, the brightness level changes to about 20% and I must use either the Fn keys or Brightness Applet to revert the brightness to 80%.

I have not done any extensive testing, and thus cannot provide with certainty a "Steps to reproduce" section. But it is clear that something is wrong, as the brightness level should not modify itself when I close my laptop lid. If anyone can confirm similar buggy activity or would like to provide any other relevant information, please do so in the comments section.