Comment 6 for bug 193617

Revision history for this message
Michael Rooney (mrooney) wrote :

In related (if not duplicate) bug #78038, Sebastian offers the solution: "That is a new plugin, it should probably be listed by the interface though, you can stop it by changing the /apps/rhythmbox/plugins/power-manager/active gconf key to false."

This solution fixes the issue for me.

I found other mentions here ( with the suggestion by Julien "I guess the correct behaviour of this plugin is to prevent the screensaver from starting (though I don't understand why this would be necessary with an audio player). I would thus recommand this plugin to be disabled by default, or at least not hidden."

Unless this plugin serves some useful purpose I am not aware of, I would agree strongly with the recommendation to disable it by default, and certainly at least not hide it! (/apps/rhythmbox/plugins/power-manager/hidden)

Can confirmers of the non-blanking screen issue change the key as per Sebastians solution and see if this fixes the issue? If someone could do it I would greatly appreciate it; then I can mark this as a duplicate of the other bug and merge the progress. Thanks!