Comment 8 for bug 31102

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Mike Sola (solar-552) wrote :

Tooltips are the most overrated feature/gimmick ever. I'm sitting here looking at what the tooltips say and what they are obscuring on my desktop, and this is ridiculous. The text inside tooltip boxes is obvious and useless 75% of the time. The firefox tab of this very webpage has a tooltip which is the exact same text as the tab - "Bug #31102 in GNOME Panel: "Can't disable Tooltips"". Gee thanks.

The tooltip box covers area immediately next to where the mouse is, which is always the most relevant part of the screen to what you are currently doing. I am almost always MOST INTERESTED in the window contents UNDERNEATH the tooltip. When editing source code inside an IDE, the tooltips hide the very lines of code you are trying to change. And you can't change the code without seeing what the current line of code is.

Sure, it's up to me to change all my settings. Maybe linux should just not clone Windows braindamage.