Comment 0 for bug 1029092

Revision history for this message
James M. Leddy (jm-leddy) wrote :

As expressed in bug 1011436, we have a problem currently in ubuntu where if we record another file using g-s-r, it plays the first file that was recorded ever. Specifically:
I upgraded gnome-media to 3.4.0-0ubuntu4 and had a test, now the second record can play, but still has something wrong.

How to reproduce:

Round 1

* Open Sound Recorder, click "Record sound" button, say "This is the first record", then click "Stop sound"
* Click "Play sound", you can hear "This is the first sound"

Round 2

* Without clicking save button, click "Record sound" again, it will prompt you to save the sound, choose "Save As" to save it to "1.ogg"
* Now new record is started, say "This is the second record", then click "Stop sound"
* Click "Play sound" again, but you still hear "This is the first found", not the expected "This is the second record"

Round 3

* Click "Record sound" for the third time, after prompt save the second record to "2.ogg"
* Record the sound "This is the third record", then click "Stop sound"
* Click "Play sound" and you will hear "This is the second record", not "This is the third record"


So the play issue is fixed, but it will always play the last saved record instead of the current record after the second time.

Please help to reproduce.