Comment 29 for bug 828623

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Chris Halse Rogers (raof) wrote :

I think I've got a workaround locally, but I'd like to check that the bug I'm working around locally is the same bug as here. The gnome-desktop3 packages in contain a patch to wait 50msec during the modesetting to ensure that the previous configuration changes have been applied before trying to apply the new config. For me, this seems to reliably work around problems when disabling LVDS with an external display.

This is not a proper fix, but will point towards where to look in the kernel for a proper fix.

Could you please test these packages (libgnome-desktop-3-2 version 3.2.0-0ubuntu4.2~raof1) and check whether you can reproduce this bug with them? You'll need to restart after installing the update, to ensure that gnome-settings-daemon is using the right library.