Comment 0 for bug 1179659

Revision history for this message
Jonas De Moor (jonas-12-deactivatedaccount) wrote : Gnome Control Center Crashes when attempring to open "Details"

On Ubuntu 13.10, when I search for "Details " in the dash, I see the mouse cursor (meaning it's loading something). But then gnome-control-panel crashes and I get "Ubuntu 13.10 has encountered an internal error".

This also happens when I go to System Settings from the launcher and then to "Details".

NOTE: I'm running 13.10 in a virtual machine on Ubuntu 12.04.

Bug Details
1) Ubuntu version: Ubuntu 13.10 x64
2) Package version: gnome-control-center 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu25
3) Expectation: I expected that the Details section of the Control Panel would open.
4) Reality: Nothing happened; not even a window opened. I only get an error (mentioned above).

Virtual Machine Details
- Dedicated four CPU Cores (CPU: AMD FX-8150 8 core CPU @ 3.6 GHz) to OS.
- Dedicated 5 GB RAM to OS.
- Dedicated 128 MB Video Memory (Maximum) to OS.
- 40 GB Virtual Hard Drive

Native System Details
- CPU: AMD FX-8150 8 Core CPU @ 3.6 Ghz
- GPU: Nividia GTX 550Ti 1024 MB
- PSU: Antec High Current Gamer Bronze 620 Watts
- Motherboard: ASUS Sabertooth 990 FX
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS