Comment 2 for bug 551950

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KeithG (grider-4) wrote :


Yes, I did try this and was able to find it. If I selected fixed pin 1234, it accepts that then immediately shows me the 6 digit pin and tells me that it failed to connect. I have found the gnome-bluetooth package to be inconsistent with pairing and repairing. That is except with OBEX file transfer. That works very robustly and consistently with a nokia phone I have used.

I have had much better luck with bluez-gnome in getting to pair and set up reliably my PANU network and to re-pair when the device returns to the vicinity of the computer. I have a hunch that some things were broken with the addition of btusb and not all cases have been repaired.

Another thing that seems to be missing in both Bluez-gnome and gnome-bluetooth is the ability to set up a serial port. In Blueman, I was able to pair then immediately it set up /dev/rfcomm0 for me. I do not see any way of doing this in gnome-bluetooth. If I am missing it or if there is an update, I am willing to try.

The other thing is that I have not been able to pair with the second serial port on the bluetooth device with any package. Blueman allows the first one to be set up, but does not see the second one (probably as it does not advertise itself as SPP). I have been using this under XP for some time and it works fine. I would love to be able to use it under Linux.

Is there a web page describing some of the more esoteric aspects of gnome-bluetooth setup? I mean, if there is a way to query the device to get the info then edit some file to allow consistent operation, I am fine with that. any edits of the /etc/bluetooth files does not seem to do anything useful. I have not been able to find anything consistent on this. "sdpbrowse" does not seem to work, "hciconfig scan" does not see the serial port, either. In fact, it cannot even report back that it sees the BT radio on the device! I am happy and fine with using command line stuff to make this work, but that seems to be either lacking or has changed and I have not been able to find the documentation allowing me to make this connection.

If this really sounds like I have messed something up with all this trial, is there a simple way I can totally remove and reinstall the gnome-bluetooth package to ensure that I have all the files and setup correct?

