Comment 16 for bug 1161594

Revision history for this message
Jake (client-alive) wrote :

Same thing for me on ubuntu 13.10. How dissapointing. I get the same output as the op shows. I tried commenting out line 374 and gdivilspie does launch. However, I notice that ticking the box to autostart the daemon ( bottom of the gdevilspie window ) does nothing. As soon as gdevilspie is closed and reopened the setting is no longer ticked and the daemon is not running. Now, because I'm inexperienced in dealing with matters like this ( manually editing code, applying pathches, compiling stuff, etc, etc, etc... ) I cannot be certain that commenting out line 374 is the cause of the daemon not starting. While the patch mentioned in a reply above may work, I am not comfortable performing the actions required to apply it; and, I assume ( though it was not mentioned ), recompile gdevilspie after the patch were applied? Ultimately, I don't feel as though it's my problem to fix the thing but I do 'NEED' it. It is the only application I have found ( with a gui <-- note it ) that does the things I need to have happen on this system.

Please, I and many others ( I'm sure ), beg the developers of ubuntu from the bottom of our hearts to fix this thing and provide an update that will 'just' work and will just get pulled in with the next update of the system. Pretty please?