Comment 2 for bug 94987

Revision history for this message
Emmet Hikory (persia) wrote :

    To provide an icon for a package, I use the following procedure:

A) Find an icon
1) Look through the distributed source for xpm, png, gif, jpg, ico, etc. to find something applicable.
2) Look at the upstream website for newer source versions, windows or mac downloads, or favicon.ico
3) Look in upstream bugtracker, forums, or mailing list for icon suggestions
4) Create an icon from scratch

B) Reformat the icon
1) Icons should generally be 32x32 for .xpm and 48x48 or 64x64 for .png - I use gimp to crop or clean
2) Icons should be provided in .xpm format, and optionally .png also. convert from Imagemagick is good for this

C) Install the icon
1) Icons belong is /usr/share/pixmaps
2) The debian/menu file (sometimes debian/<package>.menu) should use the icon (look in /usr/share/menu for examples)
3) The .desktop file should use the icon (look in /usr/share/applications/ for examples)