Comment 0 for bug 654010

Revision history for this message
ghepeu (ghepeu) wrote :

An improved algorithm for flattening splines (commit first released in freetype 2.4.0 causes serious rendering issues with the 'S' character in a number of fonts, including Helvetica, Calluna and Tallys.

The bug was reported to the freetype-devel mailing list in August and fixed in git a few weeks ago, so the fix will be in the next release, freetype 2.4.3, which is not yet scheduled. Maverick is the first Ubuntu release affected by this bug and should include the fix in its freetype 2.4.2 package.

You can find an example of the problem in the pdf documents attached to this email: . I'll attach to this bug report a PNG screenshot.

The fix is in commit with another type corrected in the following commit