Comment 52 for bug 346289

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Chad (dega704) wrote : Re: Choppy Flash playback in full screen.

I have been having this same issue with Jaunty 64-bit and a geforce 8600 gt. Flash gets really choppy in fullscreen and in some cases even without going to fullscreen. Switching to metacity makes no difference. The "OverrideGPUValidation=true" fix seems to have worked somewhat, but it can still get choppy especially when I move the mouse.

What I find interesting is my CPU load goes through the roof whenever I switch flash to fullscreen. What is going on that can make an athlon X2 6000+ and the previously mentioned video card get pushed to their limits over something they have no problem with in windows?

On some sites like hulu I can right-click the flash player and set the quality to medium or low and that helps quite a bit, albeit at the cost of making the video look crappy.

I previously had no problems with this in hardy 8.04.

Aside from this jaunty has performed spectacularly and I have been extremely impressed with it, but it's really annoying when one of the most basic yet essential functions for the average user goes out of whack, and could send a new linux user running back to windows very quickly.