Comment 16 for bug 776361

Revision history for this message (johndevblack) wrote :

Me too.
I have the same problem.
Am about to try this fix.
Ubuntu 11.04 seems full of these little quirks. Wish I still had Ubuntu 10.10.
Am running ubuntu clasic (gnome) rather than unity.
COMPIZ still does not work.
I am trying to control my PC (Ubuntu 11.04) from my laptop (Ubuntu 10.10).
This might fix it.
Another problem is using FTP inside nautilus.
Typically starting nautilus as nautilus /home/myname.
Then control L. Then control A. Then control X. (to wipe the /home/myname)
But it tries to access /home/myname/
Also a few quirks with USB on virtualbox.
Also GRUB2 v 1.99 still tries to access a USB hard drive even if it has been removed.
sudo update-grub before shutdown and after removing USB ensures PC will start up again.