Comment 0 for bug 75846

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Adam Wiggins (hiro) wrote : Save-as media file causes crash

1. Go to:

2. Click the link. It will try to play the file in Totem, and if you haven't installed any extra packages, it will fail with a "Totem can't play fd0://" message.

3. Click the browser back button.

4. Right click the link, Save As.

5. The dialog box will hang for a few seconds, and then the browser crashes.

This is reproducible every time on my system. Completely up-to-date Edgy, minimal extra pacakges installed, all Firefox extensions disabled.

Of course this happens on many other pages (GMail, for example, is where I noticed it the most) but the example above is the most obvious. It seems to happen with any file type, not just mp3.