Comment 105 for bug 60995

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Joseph Garvin (k04jg02) wrote :

I can confirm this is still present in the Gutsy release candidate. Everytime my girlfriend uses my computer she complains that backspace doesn't work, because it's the behavior that she's used to on Windows. Opera, Internet Explorer, and Windows Firefox all have backspace go back. Has anyone tested Konqueror, Epiphany, or Safari? I suspect their behavior is similar. I'm not sure what the developers mean when they say this is for more consistency, and frankly since it's not immediately apparent to me as a user, it's not a consistency I want or care about so their reasoning is irrelevant. I would support Ubuntu going against the upstream default. If enough distros do this, it might convince upstream.

1. Alt+Left still works, so going back is consistent in Gnome. Backspace also working doesn't conflict with that.

2. Backspace going up may make sense for browsing a filesystem (even that is arguable), but it doesn't make any sense for the web.

3. Normal users are going to see that it's the one key on their keyboard that has an arrow going backwards. It's fairly intuitive to expect it to go... back. Not up.

4. Page up is like a centimeter away. If I wanted page up I'd press page up.

5. It's more consistent with other browsers.

6. Did I mention my girlfriend complains?

7. If the data loss argument was persuasive, Mozilla would be adopting it for the windows port as well. But they're not.