Comment 26 for bug 877256

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Kevin (kevinshlee) wrote : Re: Can't open ".war" format since Oneiric (java)

> Sure I could have, but we receive lot of bugs reports and don't have the ressources to do a proper job to reply to each and every one, the poorly described just tend to fall to the bottom, we do notice bugs with activity or duplicates though, which happened to this one after a few comments, seems to have worked pretty much fine, there is no reason to focus on the initial poor description or the triaging which matched it, bugs reports are dynamics and this one got adjusted when its quality improved

I'm sorry if you felt offended due to my previous comments. I didn't mean it and do understand what you said and believe all of us here do since most of us who are begging for this feature are developers.
What we were not so satisfied was, I guess, without any words, its importance became wishlist. Possibly we felt like we were ignored.
I'm not sure if it was entirely poorly described. Well, it probably was but we or at least, I had no idea what could be included to help you decide what causes the bug as I didn't do anything special but double-clicking on the file after upgrading from Natty to Oneiric.

I've never seen the file-roller fails to open a war file before unless the file is corrupted. As you know, it is just a zip file.

Anyway, my nautilus says its MIME type is 'application/x-webarchive'.

I've tried "grep -r '-war' /usr/share/mime", but it seems to take forever to process it.
So I did "grep -r '[.]war' /usr/share/mime" instead and got the following result.

/usr/share/mime/packages/kde.xml: <glob pattern="*.war"/>
/usr/share/mime/application/x-webarchive.xml: <glob pattern="*.war"/>

and "grep -r '[.]war' ~/.local" gave me the following result (I excluded binary ones).

/home/kevinsh/.local/share/recently-used.xbel: <bookmark href="file:///home/kevinsh/Desktop/test/sample.war" added="2011-11-02T18:55:07Z" modified="2011-11-02T18:55:07Z" visited="2011-11-02T18:55:07Z">
/home/kevinsh/.local/share/recently-used.xbel: <bookmark href="file:///home/kevinsh/Desktop/sample.war" added="2011-11-14T17:36:23Z" modified="2011-11-14T17:36:23Z" visited="2011-11-14T17:36:24Z">

Thanks Sebastien for spending your time on this issue.