Comment 2 for bug 125578

Revision history for this message
Alexander Gabriel (einalex) wrote :

- Ubuntu: Dapper Drake, Feisty Fawn, Gutsy Gibbon (doesn't matter it never worked. one of the first things I test whenever a new version comes out)

- I try to add the calendar in the appropriate dialog by selecting "on the web", chosing a name and copying the url into the text field. I click Ok. (I can select secure conenction or not it doesn't make any difference)

- The Window disappaers and an Error Message pops up reading "Error at >>myurl<<: Unauthorized", the calendar appears in the menu but is left empty. restarting evolution and going to the calendar tab produces the known error message.

- I'd like to be riddened of the error message and instead be able to see and edit my calendar with changes saved back to the web.