Comment 5 for bug 631088

Revision history for this message
taj (othertaj) wrote :

Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS, upgraded from Dapper

Pango problem every now and then also halts at system boot just before the graphic screen appears. Only restart helps. This has happened 3 or 4 times at irregular intervals.
Message on the screen could not be found in logs, so unfortunately this info is not extensive:

unknown>:279 Pango-WARNING **: scaled font status is: out-of-memory
unknown>:279 Pango-WARNING **: shaping failure, expect ugly output

I also saw that the Deja Vu Sans font was mentioned as the offending font, that is why I thought that this thread was the most appropriate.

Reboot and normal login gave the same problem.

The only (!) workaround I could find was:
reboot (ctrl-alt-del)
start in system recovery mode. Choose normal start. Login. Type startx
Next reboot all works fine, that is why I could not exactly repeat the message.

This is not the first problem I have with pango in combination with Windows fonts. I also had squares instead of text at startup, which only disappeared after long waiting (see http://<email address hidden>/msg2656512.html). I think that pango needs some serious attention. Both problems could put people off who are new to ubuntu. Indeed it is really annoying.