Comment 68 for bug 274085

Revision history for this message
carloslaunchpad (correiodesportivo) wrote :


reading this I was able to install ekiga 3 in my new intrepid installation. tanks!

but there's some problems....
can't make the connection. I received this message

"O Ekiga foi incapaz de configurar automaticamente as definições da sua rede. Ainda o pode utilizar, mas terá de configurar as definições de rede manualmente.
Consulte para obter instruções (em inglês)"

it says something like:

Unable to automatic detect your lan configuration. go to for instructions...

I went there but I'm newbie so its not so easy to follow. in the previous version of ekiga this was automatic... ther is a easy way to do this?

an finally, my contacts, i still have the names but not the numbers.

tanks for your help.