Comment 29 for bug 174759

Revision history for this message
Tony McCrary (tmccrary) wrote :

You're right, I may have jumped the gun a little. It's just a major problem when you can't do any work because your tools crash at random intervals.

So far excluding this from the hotspot JIT:

echo "exclude org/eclipse/core/internal/dtree/DataTreeNode forwardDeltaWith" > ~/.hotspot_compiler

...and modifying eclipse's VM args (edit /usr/bin/eclipse).....

VMARGS="-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,org/eclipse/core/internal/dtree/DataTreeNode,forwardDeltaWith -Xms512m -Xmx1024m"

...seems to help reduce the amount of crashes.

However, it still has crashed, just not everytime eclipse tries to compile something.