Comment 10 for bug 618595

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Art Knappert (art-knappert12) wrote : ☁omg it's party time!

I'd like tö invite yöu tö my party, it's göing tö be a surprise för my family, this is actually the invitatiön

Best wishes, Arlene Kendrick

From: Bug 618595 [mailto:<email address hidden>]
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2017 2:46 PM
To: <email address hidden>
Subject: bruh...

[](/sadjack)I hope you get over whatever is ailing you emotionally soon. Its unfortunate for anyone to feel down welcoming a new year in. Then again, I can sort of sympathize because I'm not feeling cheery myself. I'm finding it hard to genuinely care about 2015 or whatever and I'll be entering the new year distanced from family here in front of this computer and without friends.

[](/twiwhatever)I haven't felt connected to anyone in some time now and though sometimes I might get moody about it, the more time that passes by, the less I find myself caring about others or making friends.

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