Comment 20 for bug 951627

Revision history for this message
Till Kamppeter (till-kamppeter) wrote :

Can everyone please do the following tests:

Open an application like evince, gedit, Firefox, ... Print a document into a PDF file by using the "Print to file" function of the print dialog anmd choose PDF as output format or use the attached "Ausgabe.pdf".

Convert it to PostScript via

pdf2ps file.pdf

Now please add parameters to the pdf2ps command, one at a time. Try the following parameters:

-dCompressPages=false -dCompressFonts=false

For example

pdf2ps -dLanguageLevel=2 file.pdf

Print the output file unfiltered, with the "nc" command:

nc -w1 <IP of the printer> 9100 <

If you do not have "nc" installed, run

sudo apt-get install netcat-openbsd

What is the reaction: Blank page, no page, what is printed on an error message page if you get one?

If none of the parameters helps, try also combinations of more than one parameter.

If you are still out of luck try also to print a PostScript file of an empty page and/or a fontless page, reate with LibreOffice, export to PDF, open with evince, "Print to file", convert the resulting PDF to PostScript as described here, print with "nc".