Comment 3 for bug 146736

Revision history for this message
Jonathan Amir (jonathan-amir) wrote :

I experience exactly the same. Can't change the resize binding to <Alt>Button3. In this case and many other, ccsm completely ignores my request, and also somehow changes the binding to button1, thus forcing me to use the keyboard to be able to restore the settings.

I think the issue with button1 should be raised as critical (it's probably in another bug anyway). Regarding the resize issue and <Alt>Button3, here is a little background as to why this change is desired:

1) <Alt>Button3 is the default binding for window resizing in KDE. So KDE users that are enabling compiz, or KDE users that are switching to gnome+compiz (because compiz was not integrated with kubuntu 7.10) would like to have consistent behavior.

2) Even more important, on thinkpad laptops it is possible to combine Button2 and the trackball to emulate the scroll wheel. E.g., a short click on Button2 is actually Button2, but a long press on Button2 activates the mousewheel, and movement of the trackball then sends Button4, Button5 (vertical) and Button6, Button7 (horizontal).
These settings prevent the user from being able to long press Button2, thus prevent <Alt>Button2 from working.