Comment 50 for bug 872207

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Doug Morse (dm-dougmorse) wrote :

@Sean: Thanks for the tip re: upgrading Compiz from oneiric-proposed (c.f., Bug #896762).

I've done so (i.e., upgraded Compiz) and, although so far the problem seems to occur less often, for me at least it FAR from fixes it. Of course, my version of the problem occurs more (perhaps exclusively) when I go into Expo view (either by mouse button or keyboard shortcut) and occurs less -- or perhaps not at all, I'm not sure -- when I use Ctrl-Alt-<Arrow> to change workspace. [This is in contrast to other folks who seem to have the problem under the opposite conditions (i.e., menus disappear more when switching with Ctrl-Alt-<Arrrow>, but not so much or at all when switching viz a viz Expo view).] Bug #896762 is specifically in reference to switching with Ctrl-Alt-<Arrow>, so I guess, given the form in which I'm experiencing the problem, it's perhaps not surprising this upgrade did not fully work for me so.

So, at least for one user (me), the problem remains UNRESOLVED.

Thanks, --Doug