Comment 75 for bug 771875

Revision history for this message
Felipe (t3chn0k) wrote :

I'm a new user of Linux, and I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. I liked it very much, but this blue layer on my screenshots is really annoying.

Trying to fix this, as some other annoying bugs, I downloaded the 3684 revision tarball. Unfortunately, I don't know how to install it. I'm unpacking the tgz, creating a directory called "build" inside "0.9.10" and running "cmake ..", but I keep getting errors such as:

OpenGLESv2 not found
-- package 'gconf-2.0' not found
-- Could NOT find gcovr (missing: GCOVR_EXECUTABLE)
-- checking for modules 'x11;xext;xdamage;xcomposite;x11-xcb;xrandr;xinerama;xext;ice;sm;libxml-2.0;libxslt;glib-2.0;gio-2.0;glibmm-2.4;libstartup-notification-1.0 >= 0.7'
-- package 'x11-xcb' not found
-- package 'libxml-2.0' not found
-- package 'libxslt' not found
-- package 'glibmm-2.4' not found

I would like to install the latest revision of Compiz to fix this bug (and others), can someone please help me?