Comment 0 for bug 186058

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Pyry (pyry) wrote :

Binary package hint: compiz

And after you read the topic, I immediatly want to acknowledge the fact that yes, I'm a dork for upgrading my system too early.... and now I'm paying the price.

[CODE]$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu hardy (development branch)
Release: 8.04
Codename: hardy[/CODE]

I installed compiz-fusion to my workstation and then started having weird freezes. Freeze usually happened when I was about to switch desktop, everythings just froze in place. If I had a movie or an song going, the sounds would still continue, but everything else where frozen.

Luckily, I am able to restart kdm by connection to my desktop by ssh.

So I started to search for solution:
[*]Switched from KDE to Gnome, no luck, still freezes from time to time
[*]Removed compiz-fusion from my desktop, no freezes on the workstation after that.
[*]Updated my laptop to Ubuntu hardy and installed compiz-fusion and the same freezeouts started also with the laptop
[*]Re-installed Ubuntu Gutsy to my laptop and compiz-fusion. This worked for my laptop as I have been using it for few weeks without any freezes

From this I came to the following conclusions that Hardy's compiz must have some hard to find problems which cause random freezes. Needless to say (but lets say it anyway), that the problem is not related to xorg configuration or graphics drivers as the same freeze effects occured in two different machines (with completely different hw).

Any similar experiences? Any ideas how to get the beautiful compiz working on my desktop? (I miss my rotating cube) If not, then the question remains that is there any other way to downgrade to Gutsy without reinstalling the os? Or do I just have to wait until Hardy becomes stable and live with 2d desktop until then (whine)

Also, any advice on how to provide extra info with this bug report? Taking point of the fact that the desktop freezes completely but I'm still able to connect with ssh.