Comment 0 for bug 1311788

Revision history for this message
Eric (eric-woodruff) wrote :

Since upgrading to 14.04, compiz Lower Window key binding as alt+button5 is no longer working completely. It used to nicely cycle through windows but now if a window surfaces that is scrollable, the 'lower window' command stops responding and the window content starts scrolling vertically even though the alt key is still pressed. Clicking the window and then triggering 'lower window' again causes it to temporarily start working again until another scrollable window surfaces.

This is configured under ccsm General Options->Key Bindings->Lower Window.

It worked previously in 13.10. I have since tried unity-reset and reverting all compiz settings.

Other settings:

Click To Focus: off
Raise On Click: on
Auto-Raise: off
Focus Prevention Level: Low

I tested a different plugin "Opacity, Brightness and Saturation" with the same key binding <Alt>Button5 and it does not demonstrate the same behavior; I can tune any window opacity whether the window is scrollable or not.

Setting the alternative Lower Window keyboard binding <Control>Down works without the same interference.