Comment 3 for bug 226650

Revision history for this message
Milan Bouchet-Valat (nalimilan) wrote :

The error appears to be the same with two blanking methods, and when burning an image:
Errno: 5 (Input/output error), write_g1 scsi sendcmd: no error
CDB: 2A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00
status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION)
Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 12 00 00 00 00 27 00 00 00
Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0
Sense Code: 0x27 Qual 0x00 (write protected) Fru 0x0
Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)
cmd finished after 0.006s timeout 40s
write track data: error after 0 bytes

It's different from that of bug 15424.

If you have two CD readers you may want to boot with a 32 bits version of Hardy and try blanking a CD-RW from the LiveCD to check if that works.