Comment 101 for bug 804943

Revision history for this message
Paul H. Hargrove (phhargrove) wrote :


For those folk that saw this error when upgrading their system, but only had BLCR's kernel modules installed due to a "recommends" from another package, removal of the blcr-dkms package was (and still is) a viable solution. For those who need a *functional* BLCR, it was initially reasonable to expect them hold back updates of their kernel - but too much time has passed for that to be a good solution anymore. While not "fixes" in the sense of making BLCR work on the current kernels, these were both well-intentioned and appropriate work-arounds when they were posted.

If you had consulted the mailing list for the BLCR project, you would know that support for kernels through 3.7.1 is currently in Beta testing. [See for the latest]

If you had followed the link at the top of this bug report to the corresponding Debian bug (#638339), or had consulted, you would know that the blcr-0.8.5~b2 (beta) is already in Debian Experimental. This is the reason for the Bug Update Watcher item that immediately precedes your first comment. I understand that Alan plans to upload the latest (0.8.5~b4) this weekend.

I understand your frustration at the limited expressiveness of Status, and as the lead developer of BLCR I had also complained (in comment #96, the last human-generated comment before yours) that dropping the blcr-dkms from the distribution (to satisfy lib dependencies in other packages w/o rebuilding them) was not a Fix. HOWEVER things have progressed since then and, as I understand it, the acceptance of the BLCR beta into Debian Experimental completely justifies the current "Fix Released" status.

So, if you are in need of a working BLCR your best course of action at this time is NOT to post multiple angry messages to this bug report. Instead, you should contribute to the testing of the Beta release - and report your success or failure here, on the Debian bug system, or on the BLCR mailing list. Sufficient testing is the best way to help this package progress out of Experimental.
