Comment 7 for bug 365630

Revision history for this message
Michael Martin-Smucker (mmartinsmucker) wrote :

I was unable to reproduce this issue using Banshee from Git with the xml podcast subscription mentioned in the original report. Banshee's memory usage was originally around 55MiB for me. I subscribed to the podcast that was mentioned in the report, downloaded the most recent 5 episodes, and watched the video podcast for a little over 10 minutes. Banshee's memory usage leveled off at about 73MiB for me and any growth while watching the downloaded podcast was negligible.

For those who are seeing this issue:

Are there specific podcast subscriptions that cause this issue for you? I'm more than willing to test other subscriptions.
Is it always video podcasts, or do audio-only podcasts cause the issue as well?
At what point is the memory leaking? when you download the podcasts? when Banshee switches between podcasts? during playback?
If the issue is happening during playback, as the reporter said, how many megabytes are leaking per minute?

If you're experiencing this issue, it would be helpful if you would download a development build of Banshee, more recent than 1.5.1. If you're using Karmic, you can update your Banshee by adding the Banshee Daily PPA[1] to your Software Sources and checking for updates. In my experience, the development version of Banshee is very stable, but if you want to be safe, you may want to back up your Banshee database before updating (run in terminal "cd ~/.config/banshee-1/ && cp banshee.db banshee.db.backup" without quotes).
