Comment 0 for bug 1576187

Revision history for this message
DipSwitch (nick-ds) wrote :

After the current update of samba 4.1.6 to 4.3.8 samba on trusty the BackupPC smb transfer is broken.

Several bugs in smbclient >= 4.1.6 in combination with BackupPC: (tarmode is no longer verbose and ignores verbose flag) (mis-interpreted failure of new tar:\d+ lines) (fix:

Package Information:

 0)root@essrv2:~ $ dpkg -l | grep -E "(smb|samba|backuppc)"
 ii backuppc 3.3.0-1ubuntu1 amd64 high-performance, enterprise-grade system for backing up PCs
 ii libpam-smbpass:amd64 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 pluggable authentication module for Samba
 ii libsmbclient:amd64 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 shared library for communication with SMB/CIFS servers
 ii python-samba 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 Python bindings for Samba
 ii samba 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix
 ii samba-common 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 all common files used by both the Samba server and client
 ii samba-common-bin 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 Samba common files used by both the server and the client
 ii samba-doc 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 all Samba documentation
 ii samba-dsdb-modules 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 Samba Directory Services Database
 ii samba-libs:amd64 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 Samba core libraries
 ii samba-vfs-modules 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 Samba Virtual FileSystem plugins
 ii smbclient 2:4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2 amd64 command-line SMB/CIFS clients for Unix

System information of the update:

 0)root@essrv2:~ $ grep samba /var/log/apt/history.log | sed "s|),|)\n|g" | grep -E "(samba|smb)"
 Upgrade: libpam-smbpass:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  python-samba:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba-dsdb-modules:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba-common-bin:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba-libs:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba-doc:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  smbclient:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba-vfs-modules:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  samba-common:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)
  libsmbclient:amd64 (4.1.6+dfsg-1ubuntu2.14.04.13, 4.3.8+dfsg-0ubuntu0.14.04.2)

Log of backup when failing:

 Running: /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\esrouter\\backups -U backup -E -d 1 -c tarmode\ full -TcrX - \*.sysdmp.tar.xz
 full backup started for share backups
 Xfer PIDs are now 25749,25748
 Domain=[E_SPIRIT] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.3.8-Ubuntu]
 tar:316 tarmode is now full, system, hidden, noreset, quiet
 tar:712 Total bytes received: 224900956
   create 644 0/0 138326 esrouter.2016-04-26.packages
   pool 644 0/0 136349 esrouter.2016-04-23.packages
   pool 644 0/0 27551 esrouter.2016-04-23.dpkg
   create 644 0/0 56037724 esrouter.2016-04-23.evh.tar.xz
   create 644 0/0 56017156 esrouter.2016-04-24.evh.tar.xz
   create 644 0/0 27964 esrouter.2016-04-26.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 136349 esrouter.2016-04-24.packages
   create 644 0/0 138326 esrouter.2016-04-25.packages
   create 644 0/0 27964 esrouter.2016-04-25.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 27551 esrouter.2016-04-24.dpkg
   create 644 0/0 56090628 esrouter.2016-04-26.evh.tar.xz
   create 644 0/0 56095068 esrouter.2016-04-25.evh.tar.xz
 tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 4 filesExist, 327800 sizeExist, 77902 sizeExistComp, 12 filesTotal, 224900956 sizeTotal
 Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share backups)
 Backup aborted (No files dumped for share backups)
 Saving this as a partial backup, replacing the prior one (got 12 and 0 files versus 0)
 Running: /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\esrouter\\backups -U backup -E -d 1 -c tarmode\ full\ verbose -TcrX - \*.sysdmp.tar.xz
 full backup started for share backups
 Xfer PIDs are now 23275,23274
 Domain=[E_SPIRIT] OS=[Windows 6.1] Server=[Samba 4.3.8-Ubuntu]
 tar:316 tarmode is now full, system, hidden, noreset, verbose
 tar:712 Total bytes received: 225006494
   create 644 0/0 56140872 esrouter.2016-04-27.evh.tar.xz
   pool 644 0/0 138326 esrouter.2016-04-26.packages
   pool 644 0/0 56017156 esrouter.2016-04-24.evh.tar.xz
   pool 644 0/0 138326 esrouter.2016-04-27.packages
   pool 644 0/0 27964 esrouter.2016-04-26.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 27964 esrouter.2016-04-27.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 136349 esrouter.2016-04-24.packages
   pool 644 0/0 138326 esrouter.2016-04-25.packages
   pool 644 0/0 27964 esrouter.2016-04-25.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 27551 esrouter.2016-04-24.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 56090628 esrouter.2016-04-26.evh.tar.xz
   pool 644 0/0 56095068 esrouter.2016-04-25.evh.tar.xz
 tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 11 filesExist, 168865622 sizeExist, 168378417 sizeExistComp, 12 filesTotal, 225006494 sizeTotal
 Got fatal error during xfer (No files dumped for share backups)
 Backup aborted (No files dumped for share backups)
 Not saving this as a partial backup since it has fewer files than the prior one (got 12 and 0 files versus 12)

Log of working backup:

 Running: /usr/bin/smbclient \\\\esrouter\\backups -U backup -E -d 1 -c tarmode\ full -TcrX - \*.sysdmp.tar.xz
 full backup started for share backups
 Xfer PIDs are now 20343,20342
 tar_re_search set
 Domain=[E_SPIRIT] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.1.6-Ubuntu]
 tarmode is now full, system, hidden, noreset, verbose
 tar: dumped 12 files and directories
 Total bytes written: 223928320
   pool 644 0/0 55839072 esrouter.2016-04-13.evh.tar.xz
   pool 644 0/0 124612 esrouter.2016-04-13.packages
   pool 644 0/0 124612 esrouter.2016-04-14.packages
   pool 644 0/0 25011 esrouter.2016-04-11.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 25011 esrouter.2016-04-12.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 55829392 esrouter.2016-04-11.evh.tar.xz
   pool 644 0/0 25011 esrouter.2016-04-13.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 124612 esrouter.2016-04-12.packages
   pool 644 0/0 124612 esrouter.2016-04-11.packages
   pool 644 0/0 25011 esrouter.2016-04-14.dpkg
   pool 644 0/0 55820624 esrouter.2016-04-12.evh.tar.xz
   create 644 0/0 55838452 esrouter.2016-04-14.evh.tar.xz
 tarExtract: Done: 0 errors, 11 filesExist, 168087580 sizeExist, 167649233 sizeExistComp, 12 filesTotal, 223926032 sizeTotal