Comment 0 for bug 352149

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Endless (vaillancourta34) wrote :

Hello, i have a strange bug that i think is worth to report. i installed Kubuntu 9.04 Beta 2 days(saturday 28) ago and made the updates. Then i installed aMSN and everything worked fine untill this morning(monday, 30).

After i enter my e-mail address and my password, aMSN is showing the usual picture with the small line with the cursor moving left to right and back but it keeps doing it forever without connecting. I've manually cheked my e-mails on the net to see if i had new ones but no new e-mail so the bug can't be related to new e-mails notification. Since i'm relativly new to linux i don't have a clue on how to fix that problem.

Here is some infos that might help:

OS : Kubuntu 9.04 Beta
Package : aMSN 0.97.2
Bug : aMSN stoped to connect after entering e-mail and password

Extra info : The bug occured this morning(monday, 30) before kubuntu 9.04 beta updates but i made a few updates yesturday(sunday, 29) before i shutdown my computer.

The bug could be related to kubuntu updates because aMSN worked fine yesturday(Sunday 29).